„… as the dancers return clothes in Rike Zöllner;s splendidly odd costumes (imagine avant-garde samurai, in pink). This time, the dance is one of unfettered celebration.“
This Bright Field Review, The Guardian, Luke Jennings

„One of the strongest messages, for me, was reflected in Rike Zöllner‘s effortless costume design. By contrasting the plain costumes of the ensemble with the vivid,brightattireoftheprincipalcharacters, it underscores a powerful sentiment: disabilities make one different, but this difference should be championed.“
The Lost Thing Review

„The grandeur of Rike Zöllner’s costume design, in particular, the queer wigs sets the production alight.“
Ritualia Review

"There is superb costume design from Rike Zöllner, with the dancers resplendent in black knitted wool and painted with garish red lipstick.Not only referencing but exaggerating the hair motif in the original ballet, which symbolised a woman's marital status, oversized and flamboyant wigs soon appear, precariously placed on the dancers' heads." Ritualia Review 


"Die Kostüme von Rike Zöllner sind fantasievoll und märchenhaft gestaltet." Review Alice inWonderland